qualified lawyers doing something different
We are qualified solicitors who started AdviceHub because affordable and quality legal advice should be accessible to more individuals and businesses in the United Kingdom.
Not all clients need a full-spectrum service from a traditional law firm. Faced with a situation, be it a dispute or creative spark, some may wish to better understand their position, the options available to them or both. That may be just for peace of mind, or to enable them to take positive action. For those people, AdviceHub is intended to offer a solution that merges quality and affordability.
By limiting our service offering to just initial advice, we are able to keep our overheads low while still using the class-leading legal resources and file management systems you would expect from a traditional firm.
During our time in practice with traditional firms, we built lasting relationships with people who continue to work for them. If, after reading our advice, you decide to explore taking positive action and do not want to do that alone, we can introduce you to others who may be able to take matters forward with you.
qualified solicitors and barristers

The founders of AdviceHub are qualified solicitors who enjoy the challenge of legal work but grew tired of the focus on billing found at a lot of traditional law firms. We wanted to explore a client-focused service that allows us to concentrate on providing good quality advice to individuals and businesses who may otherwise be priced-out of going to a traditional firm, or who may not need the full service and associated cost of a traditional firm.
The key values of AdviceHub are to offer quality legal advice to you at an affordable and sustainable price point. Further to that goal, your advice will be drafted by a qualified solicitor or barrister and we will not make use of unqualified individuals in the provision of advice to you. All professionals who work with us are required to maintain their regulatory certificates and evidence them appropriately.